About Anna

About Anna

Anna (pronounced Ah-nah) is not a dog. She’s some kind of super-intelligent spirit animal who was sent here to save me. Sure, everyone has heard the adorable saying, “who rescued who?” right? Well, it’s not just a saying to me. She healed me. She gave me confidence, strength, resilience. She is an exceptional being and I’m incredibly lucky to call myself her person.

Just days after I moved into my first dog-friendly apartment, I already had several adoption applications filled out for all the local shelters. I had been working in the veterinary field for many years, teaching clients the ins and outs of puppy ownership, but I had never had my own puppy as an adult. One who I could use all my super training advice on, and mold to be my perfect companion. So, I was looking for a rescue that had somewhat young pups. When I heard of a place nearby that just took in a group of 8 week old adorable balls of mush, I left work early and rushed over. Much to my disappointment, I was informed that this particular group of puppies was being held in a foster home, and not at the facility. I was told I could make an appointment to see them, but maybe I should take a look around at the other dogs they had available. Most were a bit older, most some kinds of hound mixes (which was made obvious by the volume of howling going on in the little barn!). But as I got to the end of the aisle, I saw a door that had four little noses lined up in the crack at the bottom. When I took a peek inside, 3 husky mixes jumped up at the door to greet me, and one little girl in the back just sat quietly while wagging her tail as hard as she could. I immediately said I’d like to meet that one. I instantly knew this was the dog I was going home with. When I told the women there I had made my decision, she went inside to get all the paperwork together. When she came out, she told me that they were leery of adopting out a husky mix to someone who lived in a small apartment and worked full time. My heart instantly sank. I pleaded with them, saying she was going to be able to come to work with me, to exercise with me, and I would do everything to make sure she had a perfect life. After my panicked begging and pleading, they finally agreed. And that’s the start of our beautiful story.

I often wonder what would have happened if they had said no. If they had declined my application and told me that I had to wait to have a better apartment or fewer work hours. My anxious personality often gets caught up in the “what ifs” and I start to make myself upset thinking of a life without her. Luckily, she’s generally right by my side to kiss my face and bring me back to reality. That’s why this is special. I have been plagued with anxiety my whole life, and she is the perfect balance to bring me back to earth when I start spiraling.

From day one, she was the smartest dog I’ve ever met, and I’ve met a lot trust me. At 5 months old, knowing nothing but shelter life, she immediately knew she was supposed to go to the bathroom outside. She knew she should respect the cats, and only chew on toys that were clearly given to her. Full disclosure: I sleep with a stuffed bear that I have had since I was very young. I quite literally can’t sleep without it. When she showed interest in this fun bear, I just told her it was mine, and she has toys of her own. To this day, she hasn’t touched a single hair on that bear. HER toys, however, are lying in a ripped, torn graveyard of poor stuffed souls.