Essential Supplements for a Healthy Adventure Dog

My dog means the world to me. Anna is one of the most important things in my life, and that’s not an exaggeration. When I first adopted her, I thought I knew everything when it came to pet ownership. I had been working in a veterinary hospital for several years already, and really believed I knew the ins and outs of pet nutrition. The veterinarians where I worked believed that pet foods were essentially all the same. The Purina’s out there were just the same as the high-end boutique foods. I knew I wanted something better than Purina Dog Chow, but I figured I would find a mid-level food and was happy with my decision.

That is until Anna got sick.

I essentially spent every mealtime coaxing her just to eat a tiny bit of food. She spent her mornings vomiting several times before breakfast. She would go days on end without eating a single bite. I always knew about the “tough love” method we taught to our clients so they didn’t breed picky eaters. This wasn’t a picky eater situation. So I switched to a kangaroo based novel protein diet in hopes of fixing her revolting gastrointestinal tract. No luck. I switched to the best food I could possibly buy, at almost $130 a bag. Price wasn’t an issue, as I just wanted my poor sweet dog to be able to hold down her food.

I did everything I could to work her up. We went through numerous blood tests, radiographs, allergy panels, the works. I finally made an appointment for an abdominal ultrasound with an internal medicine specialist. He came to the conclusion that what she was experiencing was likely an allergy of unknown origin, and we would have to switch to a prescription hypoallergenic diet. I would literally do anything I could to make her better, so I immediately looked into it. But when I read the label on these diets, my own stomach turned. The first ingredient was cornstarch, followed by a mix of chemicals, preservatives, and ingredients that didn’t even resemble food. I knew in my heart this just couldn’t be safe or healthy for a growing pup. Seeing the rise in cancers and diseases over the past ten years in the veterinary profession, I just couldn’t consciously feed my beloved pet such horrible ingredients. If she was going to develop some kind of cancer or disease down the road, I couldn’t bear the thought that it may be from something I could have prevented.

So we made the decision to switch to a raw diet. We haven’t looked back since.

Within 24 hours, the vomiting stopped. In 48 hours, she was begging for food every meal. I was soon able to wean her off of all the oral and injectable medications I had her on. I just kept thinking, “could this seriously be for real?!” But it was. It was very real. My dog made an absolutely amazing transformation once I stopped feeding her all the chemicals and fillers and started feeding real, fresh food.

The raw diet has been so amazing for us, and there’s an incredible amount of information I have learned that I want to share with anyone and everyone. But with so much information, I would like to make a separate post for such things. For now, I would love to share with you guys the supplements that I’ve grown to love which have made a huge impact on the health of my girl. I’ll link all the products I use here in this article in case you’re interested in making some healthy additions to your dog’s diet!

What I believe to be one of the most important supplements are Glucosamine and Chondroitin. Why is this so important? In the veterinary world, one of the most common reasons for euthanizing large breed dogs is mobility. Dogs often get to the point where they literally can’t move anymore because of the amount of arthritis in their joints. Unfortunately, supplements only help if you start them while your pup is still young and still has healthy joints and cartilage to lubricate. Once that cartilage is gone, it’s gone forever, so its never too early to start. I started Anna when she was 6 months old. I use this brand of glucosamine and chondroitin because it’s made in the USA, developed with natural ingredients, minimal fillers, and it’s fairly cost effective for a large dog.

Another necessary supplement I never go without is Green Lipped Mussel. I use Super Snouts brand (seen here) and love it. While the glucosamine and chondroitin lubricate the joints, green lipped mussel strengthens the ligaments surrounding them. One of the most common injuries in young healthy dogs is ligament tears. A ligament tear in a dog (comparable to an ACL tear in a person) is devastating, resulting in expensive surgery, months of rehab and crate rest. This type of injury leads to extensive arthritis in the joint down the road, whether surgery is performed or not. This supplement helps to prevent injury by strengthening these sensitive ligaments. It has anti-inflammatory properties that are excellent for joint health, while also being fantastic for cardiovascular properties, and healthy skin and coat. Definitely, a supplement to add to your regimen. 

While the GLM powder mentioned above has an excellent ratio of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, I sometimes mix it up with high-quality fish oil as well. At high enough concentrations, the elements in fish oil (mainly the EPA and DHA) act as a natural anti-inflammatory. I use this brand, and my pup definitely loves it. I chose this one because it comes from natural sources of small, oily fish that are 3rd party tested for harmful elements such as mercury, lead, and PCBs. It’s soy and GMO-free with human grade ingredients. And the bonus…There’s minimal fishy smell or taste. 

On top of these supplements, I try to add fresh, high-quality real food whenever I can. Fresh farm eggs, raw pumpkin seeds, and fresh greens are often on the menu. Switching Anna to a real food diet has made an amazing difference in her overall health and activity level. Nothing matches nutrition when it comes to the care of your pet. We need to work from the inside out to keep our pets happy, healthy and mobile. Most people believe that if their dog is overweight or has chronic skin and gastrointestinal issues, that they merely need to exercise more or medicate often. Diet and proper nutrition is the absolute best thing you can do for your pet in the long run. If you ever have any questions about what supplements or diet might be right for your pet, never hesitate to reach out to me. I’m not an expert or a professional pet nutritionist, but I know what I’ve seen in my dog, and what we’ve seen in our clients. I’m always happy to help.


  1. Kayleigh | 7th Jan 19

    I’ve been thinking of switching to raw food for a while now, and this post just pushes me more towards it! Thank you so much for sharing!!

    • admin | 7th Jan 19

      Aww, I’m so glad I can help! I’ll definitely be making more posts about it in better detail as I have done a TON of research on the subject =)

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